禁寄物品 |
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註: |
「危險物品空運管理辦法」已於97年2月25日發佈實施,違規空運危險物品,依民航法規定處新台幣2萬元以上,10萬元以下罰鍰。 |
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各國郵政禁寄物品彙輯(各國禁寄物品種類繁多,依各國法律之規定,因驗關係各國海關權責,如仍有疑慮,則請洽詢寄達國海關,以免失誤)。 |
危險物品種類 |
爆炸物 Explosives |
各類槍械彈藥、煙火、爆竹、照明彈等 Including all kinds of weapons and ammunition, fireworks, firecrackers, flares, etc. |
壓縮的、液化的或受壓溶解的氣體 Gases |
如罐裝瓦斯、潛水用氧氣瓶、防身噴霧器、噴漆、髮膠、殺蟲劑等 Such as, butane, propane, oxygen, cylinders, tear gases, aqualung cylinders, hair spray and aerosols, etc. |
易燃液體 Flammable liquids |
如汽柴油等燃料油、油漆、稀釋劑等 Such as, all forms of fuel (for instance, wood, coal, and oil), paints, diluents, etc. |
易燃固體,自燃物質,與水反應物質 Flammable Solids |
如火柴、點火器等 Such as, matches, lighters, etc. |
氧化物質及有機過氧化物 Oxidizing Substances and Organic Peroxides |
如漂白劑(水、粉)、工業用雙氧水等 Such as, bleaches (liquid/powder), medical oxygen, peroxide, etc. |
毒性物質及感染性物質 Toxic Substances and Infectious Substances |
如殺蟲劑、除草劑、活性濾過性病毒等 Such as, insecticides, pesticides, herbicides, bacteria and virus cultures, etc. |
放射性物質 Radioactive materials |
如釔-90、銦-111、碘-123或放射性廢棄物等 Such as, Yttrium-90, Indium-111, Iodine-123 and radioactive waste, etc. |
腐蝕性物質 Corrosive Substances |
如強酸、強鹼、水銀、鉛酸電池等 Such as, acids, alkalis, mercury, charged accumulators, wet cells, etc. |
其他危險物品 Other dangerous articles |
如磁化物(磁鐵)及刀劍棍棒類等 Such as, magnetic materials and knives, swords, sticks, arrows, etc. |